Winter training tips from Nordic Oil ambassadors, Eimear Mullan and Ritchie Nicholls

by Kate McNeil January 21, 2015

With the winter months kicking in, we all need some motivation, and top tips to help us get through the dark, cold months. Nordic Oil ambassadors Eimear Mullan and Ritchie Nicholls have provided us with some of their winter tips to keep you motivated towards your summer targets:


1. Training

Train with others. When it's cold, it's much easier to get out the door when you are joining a group for training. Do some races over the winter to make it fun and to give yourself something to look forward to.

2. Clothing

Get some proper winter kit. The best winter kit I have ever used is FUSION (
Wear a very good pair of gloves (we use ski gloves), and neoprene overshoes if you are cycling in cold conditions.

3. Training camps

Winter is a great time for training camps and Mallorca is hard to beat, our choice is Ferrer Hotels in Can Picafort Mallorca (
Don’t over do it on your training camp, plan your training before you go and don’t get side tracked by others.

4. Other tips

-Leave the garmin, heart rate monitor, power meter at home for a few sessions, and go out and enjoy the training without taking it to seriously.
-Use the turbo trainer especially if its icy (though it’s a great all year round tool too).
-Vary your training and make it enjoyable with off road runs, mountain biking and fun group swims.
-Review your previous season and take the time to sort out any injuries or niggles.
-Forget the energy gels. Opt for a good café stop instead, and grab a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea, it's much nicer.
-Winter is a great time to add more strength work to your programme. You don’t need a gym, you can do squats, lunges, plank, press ups, tricep dips etc. easily at home.

Stay healthy through the winter months, with our high-grade omega-3 and vitamin D supplements, and visit our website today:


Kate McNeil
Kate McNeil
